Hellen's History

1988, November 27 - First appearance as Father Butch at the Harvey Milk, George Moscone candlelight vigil.
I was dating someone who turned out to be Sister Dana Van Iqiuity. I agreed to go to the Vigil with him as it had been a major influence on why I had moved to San Francisco in the first place. I had no idea that event would stear me on a course to become a male nun. I admit that many of the other Sisters were nun too pleased to have a priest hanging around though they were quick to ask me to watch their purses or open doors for them. Sister Dana and Sister Vish were the only two members who welcomed Father Butch from the start. A couple (who will remain nameless) were openly hostile toward Butch. Of course, as people grow and mature, all that conflict is now water under the bridge, and I'm happy to be friends with all the Sisters who originally opposed me joining.

1989, March - The Convent, Monastery & Brothel of Mt St Helen's is formed by the Imperial Court as it's official church with Father Butch as it's head.

1989, Oct - Fr. Butch turns over the church to Mother Superior Herculaneum.

1990, Oct - Sister Hellen Wheels is born and the Imperial church is re-branded as the Daughters of the Divine Eruption. I had no intention of becoming a nun at this time; I was proud to the the oldest male member of The Sisters. Still, I wanted to continue dressing up as a nun for Halloween. I wanted a more subtle name this year. On the way to Sr. Dana's house, I was reflecting on what a rushed day I'd had at work and the phrase "It was hell on wheels" popped into my head. Although I've used a few other names during the years, like Hellen Warefare, Hellen Wheels has been my primary name for more than 30 years now.

1991 May - Father Butch becomes a fully professed member of the Sisters. I was never a Postulant, and only a Novice for 5 months. My memory is that I elevated in May, but it could have been June. I do know that it was at Cardinal Sin's apartment and that the other Novice that was being considered that night did not progress.

1992 - 2003 - Father Butch/Sister Hellen are Parliamentarian and Chair of the Bylaws Committee. During this time, the formal, well recognized format and wording of the SPI bylaws are written and refined, primarily by me.

1993 - With Mother Superior Herculaneum still missing, Sister Hellen takes over as the Acting Superior Mother of the Daughter of the Divine Eruption.

1998 - Fr. Butch Formally retires and turns over his duties to Abbott Adamn Heathen. I decided I preferred monks to priests for a variety of reasons. I chose the new name to underscore the fact that I am not a Christian.

1999 - Hellen's web content is moved from a shared domain to the dedicated domain Hellen.org; becoming the first web domain dedecated soley to a single SPI Sister. Sister Hellen is also elected to be the SF House's Novice Mistress and VICE-President for three consecutive terms.

2005-2006 - Hellen becomes the Mistress of Missions. The MoM is in charge of any Missionary House that wants to qualify to use the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence's name. The job was supposed to be an easy one, but ends up being a 40 hour a week unpaid job as Hellen emails and chats with Mission Founders, Official House Big Sisters and members of SPI SF. During that time, Hellen creates official documents that specify in detail what is expected of Missions.

2006 - Hellen founds the the United Nuns Privy Council (UNPC) to give all FPM Houses a say in the process and responsibility of helping out new Missionary Houses.

2010 Dec - Sr Hellen is elected for a 4th non-consecutive term as the VICE-President and Mistress of Novices with the intent of documenting the role of MoN for the first time. What started off as a quet year, quickly turned into nearly a full time job as Hellen ushered in 14 Initiate along with creating documents that later MoNs would have access to (though few have bothered to actually read them.)

2009 - The Perpetual Indulgence Ministry Program is formally founded in San Francisco as a legitimate ministry. Minister in PIMP legally qualify to conduct marriages in any state where they can be certified. Sadly, PIMP does not survive my stepping back from the Prime Minister Role.

2014 - Hellen is elected VICE President of the SF House for the 5th and final time and is given the title of Prioress. As the position of First Vice President was eliminated the following year, Hellen is the only Prioress of San Francisco.

2014 - Brother Sirius Lee replaced Adamn Heathen and Fr Butch as Hellen's male counterpart and Mon Senior of the Brothers of the Divine Eruption, Convent, Monastery & Brothel of Mt St Helens.

2015 - Hellen retires and becomes a Sister Emeritus member of the Sisters of Prepetual Indulgence, Inc. There are currently only three Sisters from The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, Inc. that have official Emeritus status; Sr. Merry Peter, Sr. Hellen Wheels,
and Sr. Dinah Might. In that order.

2018 - November 27 - Sister Hellen and Brother Sirius celebrate 30 years of service to the Community by attending the Milk/Moscone Candle Light Vigil and making Sister Onna the newst official member of the Daughters of the Divine Eruption!

Sr. Hellen or Bro. Sirius still occasionally meet up with other like-minded folk to help Get Out The Vote or for an impromptu nunning.

This page last updated June, 2022.